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Can I Take Hemp Extract Oil for Weight Loss?

Woman's feet on weight scale


Spring is just around the corner. It seems like everyone is trying to find that quick fix to fight the holiday gains. Look, we get it—we’re tired of kale salads, too. It seems that one of the hot trends this year is using hemp extract oil supplements for weight loss. So, you’ve probably been asking yourself the following question: Can I take hemp extract oil for weight loss? Well, let’s take a look at the facts.

Can I take hemp extract oil for weight loss?

Honestly, there isn’t a clear yes or no answer to this question. Hemp Extract oil is something that is still very new, as the recreational use of it was only legalized two years ago by the 2018 Farm Bill. With this being said, there hasn’t been that much research done about how it affects people’s weights. For this reason, it’d be unethical to say that it does or doesn’t promote weight loss when there isn’t much evidence to support either claim in the first place. Instead, we recommend that you take hemp extract oil to boost your feelings of physical health and mental well-being. With that extra boost, you might feel like hitting the gym or planning your weekly meals a bit more easily.

What are some weight loss tips?

While there isn’t direct proof that hemp extract oil helps with weight loss, there are countless other ways to lose weight. Changing up some factors of your lifestyle can really make all the difference.

To start, you should look into ways to eat for weight loss. You can make sure that you’re in a calorie deficit each day; for instance, if you naturally burn 2,000 calories a day and don’t do any additional exercise, then you should be eating less than that 2,000 each day. There’s a lot of low-calorie versions of your favorite foods out there. You can also be intentional with what nutrients you’re intaking; for instance, protein, water, and fiber are known to fill you up for longer. Plus, there are tons of diets out there that you can look into; some popular ones include intermittent fasting, the paleo diet, the keto diet, and the Whole30 diet. Just to be on the safe side, we recommend that you meet with a doctor or nutritionist before you make any drastic changes to the way you’re eating.

It isn’t just about what you eat; upping your exercise levels can also help with weight loss. Getting your sweat on at the gym can help you lose fat and gain muscle. Frequently going on walks is another way to stay active. When there’s the opportunity, be sure to take the stairs instead of the elevator. Try out a new active hobby, such as kayaking or hiking. The key is to find out what you like doing so that you’ll feel motivated to stick with it.

What is a weight loss supplement?

Many look to weight loss supplements to help them on their health journeys. So, what are they? Well, they’re pills that are supposed to aid in weight loss. However, there isn’t much research behind a lot of them, so they might not work as well as they’re intended to. You should look up a brand’s clinical trials and customer reviews before you choose to go with them. Side effects are also something that you should find out about beforehand. That way, you can ensure that a product will do its job in a safe, effective manner. Also, so as to not take any risks, you should consult with your doctor before you decide to take a weight loss supplement.

The unfortunate truth is that we can’t give you a definitive answer as to whether or not you can use hemp extract oil for weight loss. It’s more of a product that’s used to bring out feelings of physical health and mental well-being. So, while hemp extract may not directly burn those calories, its use in your daily routine could certainly add a level of balance to help you take those difficult steps into a more fit life. In the end, the best advice we can give is that you try starting your weight loss routine by switching up your eating and exercise habits.  

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